Showtime Events

february 22-23, 2025

Memphis Mayhem

Memphis, TN

The Memphis Sports & Events Center

16 Courts | 128 teams

Event Details

Memphis Mayhem is a 2-day tournament held at the brand new Memphis Sports & Events Center on February 22-23, 2025

The Memphis Sports & Events Center is located in the heart of Liberty Park, just outside Memphis’s Liberty Bowl Stadium, the venue is in immediate proximity to a wide array of entertainment, retail, dining, and hospitality options making it an ideal location for traveling tournaments

This event is open to USAV, AAU, and JVA teams.

Insurance Coverage: All Showtime Events tournaments are privately insured, and provide General Liability (“GL”) and Participant Accident (“PA”) coverage for the protection and benefit of all participants.

Team Registration

Register your team online now via AES to secure your spot at the tournament


This is a stay-to-save event. Please book your accommodation via our hotel partner Traveling Teams to receive the best prices


Tickets can be purchase donline, or at the facility. Credit or debit cad only. No Cash.


The City of Memphis charges $10/day for parking. Reserve online, or NO CASH on-site.

The facility

The Memphis Sports & Events Center

This 227,000 sq. ft. sports and events facility will include indoor basketball and volleyball hardcourts and be adaptable for other sports like wrestling, gymnastics, cheerleading, as well as convocation and commencement events. 

The complex will include a cafe and concessions area, as well as outdoor turf fields.


This 227,000 sq. ft. sports and events facility includes indoor basketball and volleyball hardcourts and is also adaptable for other sports like wrestling, gymnastics, cheerleading, as well as convocation and commencement events. The complex includes a cafe and concessions area, as well as outdoor turf fields.

Register your team today!

Memphis Mayhem, Memphis TN, February 22-23, 2025

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